catholic spirituality造句
- Opus Dei organizes training in Catholic spirituality applied to daily life.
- Devotion to the rosary is one of the most notable features of popular Catholic spirituality.
- Students are introduced to Catholic spirituality which takes different elements from various Christian spiritual authors.
- Most recently, he is a prolific writer and blogger on religion and Catholic spirituality.
- Like all Catholic spirituality, Ignatian spirituality is based on the Christian faith and the gospels.
- The institute would have a role in the post-Vatican II " reshaping " of Catholic spirituality.
- The day after the episcopal ordination, Coadjutor Archbishop Goh hosted a reception at the Catholic Spirituality Centre.
- Rossetti continued to expand the role of Catholic spirituality in the Institute ( which began under his predecessor Fr.
- He founded the Epiphany Association in 1988 in an effort to bring Catholic spirituality to Peters Township, Pennsylvania.
- He also is recognized for his spontaneous method of writing, covering topics such as Catholic spirituality, and travel.
- It's difficult to see catholic spirituality in a sentence. 用catholic spirituality造句挺难的
- He finds an impact of religious pedagogy on sports education, arguing that it promoted a Catholic spirituality with masculine undertones.
- They formed a type of African-Catholic spirituality unique to the region, and the people frequently adopted Portuguese names in baptism.
- These schools were to have a lasting effect on education and Catholic spirituality in Norway ( even after the Anglicans as Saint Henry of Uppsala.
- Gregory, who studied in Rome, Italy, and is multilingual, is also author of several books on Eastern Catholic spirituality and theology.
- The postulants spend the next year learning how to live in community as well as becoming familiar with Catholic spirituality and the Dominican way of life.
- Gill found creative links between sex and his Catholic spirituality : a drawing for this work was entitled " Christ and the Church ".
- One woman expressing misgivings was Jackie Hawkins, executive editor of The Way, a journal of Catholic spirituality sponsored by the Jesuits and published in London.
- Like Messiaen, he communicates a burning, specifically Roman Catholic spirituality in his work, accompanied in his case by a certain degree of Scottish nationalism.
- Sister Mary Rose McPhee, executive director of Seton Cove in Austin, offers yoga as part of the Catholic spirituality center's stress reduction classes.
- 更多造句: 1 2
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